Saturday, January 19, 2013

Strike Gundam

The GAT-X105 Strike is a general purpose prototype mobile suit, it was featured in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Its primary pilot was Kira Yamato before it was passed down to ace pilot Mu La Flaga.



Technology & Combat Characteristics

The Strike is the most versatile of the five Gundams created by the Earth Alliance's G Project. Because of its bright blue, red and white color scheme, the Strike is easily the most visually distinctive of the five (with the possible exception of the bright red-colored GAT-X303 Aegis). Using its Striker Packs, the Strike can be outfitted for all-purpose combat (Aile Strike), heavy assault (Launcher Strike) or heavy melee combat (Sword Strike). Design wise, the Strike is simply an extension of the Duel's frame, allowing for a multi-role function not featured in the Duel, Buster, or Blitz. (In fact, the Strike's Striker Pack allowed it to mimic, to variable degrees, many of the abilities of the first three mobile suits).


  • "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel Anti Air CIWS
Mounted in the Strike's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. These light projectile weapons are used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles, although it is classified as Anti Air.
  • "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in the Strike's hips are a pair of folding "Armor Schneider" combat knives. These knives do not need power from the suit, can be thrown, and are capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of ZAFTmobile suits.
  • 57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Another add-on to the regular Strike, the beam rifle can optionally be stored on the rear waist. This is the primary mid to long range combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating.
  • Bazooka
The bazooka is an optional heavy assault weapon based upon the standard bazooka design of firing explosive shells. Because it is a conventional weapon the bazooka does not draw power from the Strike's battery, giving the Strike a heavy assault option that does not drain its battery, allowing for extended combat endurance. Another advantage is that the bazooka can be used underwater, unlike a beam rifle. To increase firepower the bazooka loads four cartridges of ammo. The disadvantage is that its greater size and weight makes it somewhat less mobile then the beam rifle.
  • Shield
The shield is an optional piece of equipment designed to increase the Strike's defensive capability. A piece of armor almost as long as the Strike is tall the shield is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Strike's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is designed to block and absorb energy based attacks from weapons such as beam rifles and beam sabers, an ability the phase shift armor is unable to accomplish. However the shield has limits, for instance its ability to block an attack on the scale of a positron cannon blast is limited to halting the momentum while the shield and Strike itself will be destroyed.
  • "Grand Slam" Anti-Ship Sword
Seen only in episode 08 of Gundam Evolve, A large sword developed by the ZAFT but used by the Strike to take down enemy mobile suits.

System Features

The key feature of the Strike is its ability to equip additional equipment in the form of striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the Strike with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency. The Strike's designers created several methods by which the Strike could exchange striker packs during mid-combat in order to increase the Strike's effectiveness, however they never managed to work out a truly efficient system making such switch's risky with a high reliance on pilot skill to make them work.
As with all of the G Project mobile suits, the GAT-X105 Strike is equipped with phase shift armor. When activated the Strike's color is changed from a light grey to a white scheme with a bit of blue and red mixed in. Phase Shift armor, when activated, renders the Strike immune to physical attacks such as bullets, the GINN sword, or against missiles. However Phase Shift armor continually drains the battery of energy, shortening the mobile suit's combat endurance. Also the Phase Shift armor draws on even more energy each time it is struck.
GAT-X105 Strike Gundam
Unit Type
Prototype Multi-Mode Mobile Suit
Model Number
  • GAT-X105
Developed from
Developed into
First Seen
  • January 25, 71 C.E.
Last SeenSeptember 18, 71 C.E.
Known Pilots
General Characteristics
Overall Height
  • 17.72 meters
Standard Weight
  • 64.8 metric tons
  • Ultracompact Energy Battery
  • Pilot only, cockpit in torso
    • 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel Anti Air CIWS
    • 2 x "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Special Equipments and Features
Optional Equipments
    • 57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
    • Shield
    • Bazooka
    • "Grand Slam" Anti-Ship Sword
    • AQM/E-X01 Aile Striker
    • AQM/E-X02 Sword Striker
    • AQM/E-X03 Launcher Striker
    • P204QX Lightning Striker
    • P202QX Integrated Weapons Striker Pack

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