Saturday, January 19, 2013

M1 Astray

MBF-M1 Astray is a mass-produced mobile suit for the Orb Union in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED.



Technology & Combat Characteristics

The armament of the Astray is virtually the same as the one used on the Astray prototype units in their original, unmodified state as well as the one used on their Earth Alliancecounterpart of their time the GAT-01 Strike Dagger. The M1 Astray is an all-purpose, all-environment mobile suit, suitable for use on Earth or in space. Its weaponry includes two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, which are mounted in the head and used to shoot down incoming missiles or close units and for close combat two Type 70 beam sabers, which, like the ones on the prototypes, are mounted behind the shoulders when not in use. The Astray also uses a Type 71 beam rifle for ranged combat. It also has a shield which is effective against beam sabers, but useless against a GuAIZ's beam claw or a beam rifle shot. The Astray is among the mass produced mobile weapons which seem to lack the ability to mount any optional weaponry as the suit is never seen with any other armament besides its main one. As well, the M1 Astray seems to have a low tolerance for using other weaponry, as one Astray piloted by Rondo Gina Sahaku had the servos in one arm completely blown when it used the MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame's Gerbera Straight katana.


  • "Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-Barrel CIWS
The Igelstellung 75mm multi-barrel Close In Weapon System is a pair of head mounted Vulcan guns. These guns are small-caliber (for a mobile suit) shell firing weapons that are designed to shoot down missiles and lightly armored vehicles, but are ineffective against the heavier armor of a mobile suit.
  • Type 70 Beam Saber
The type 70 beam saber is the standard close combat beam weapon of Orb mobile suits. The MBF-M1 Astray is equipped with two beam sabers.
  • Type 71 Beam Rifle
The type 71 beam rifle is the standard ranged beam weapon of the Orb military. The beam rifle fires a charged energy beam that is highly effective against most targets, such as mobile suits, but was less effective against targets designed to take beam attacks, such as laminated armor or shields treated with an anti-beam coating.

System Features

  • EF-24R Flight Rotor Shrike
After the first Bloody Valentine War, some Astrays were fitted with the "EF-24R Flight Rotor Shrike", which was mounted on the existing flight pack for improved aerial capabilities. When equipped with the flight rotor shrike the Astray was capable of independent flight in the Earth's atmosphere, though at fairly low velocities when compared to newer flight capable mobile suits.
  • Flight Pack
To increase mobility, the M1 Astrays are fitted with a fixed "flight pack" derived from the GAT-X105 Strike's Aile Striker pack. The flight pack did not provide true flight but did increase the suit's overall mobility.
MBF-M1 M1 Astray
Unit Type
Mass Production Mobile Suit
Model Number
  • MBF-M1
Developed from
Developed into
First Seen
Known Pilots
General Characteristics
Overall Height
  • 17.53 meters
Max Weight
  • 65.3 metric tons
Standard Weight
  • 53.5 metric tons
  • Ultracompact Energy Battery
  • Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
    • 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS
    • 2 x Type 70 beam saber
Special Equipments and Features
    • Flight pack
    • EF-24R Flight Rotor Shrike
Optional Equipments
    • Type 71 beam rifle
    • Shield

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