Saturday, January 19, 2013

Justice Gundam

The ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam is a mobile suit featured inMobile Suit Gundam SEED, piloted by Athrun Zala.



Technology & Combat Characteristics

The armament of the Justice is conventional and consists of two hip-mounted beam sabers, beam boomerangs, head-mounted CIWS guns and a high-energy beam rifle, which is the same model used on the ZGMF-X10A Freedom . In addition, the Justice carries a large detachable Fatum-00 sub-flight lifter, which is also well-armed with a pair of beam cannons and multiple machine guns. For defense the Justice is equipped with a single physical shield on its left arm. It also mounts a tall sensor spine on the top of its head, similar to that of the GAT-X303 Aegis, indicating that it was likely also intended as a commander-type mobile suit.


  • MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
For close combat, the suit is equipped with two hip-mounted MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are of the same type as the ones used on its sister unit, the ZGMF-X10A Freedom. Athrun is usually seen combining both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber (reminiscent of the twin beam sword used by the MS-14A Gelgoog).
  • MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
Like the Freedom, the Justice usually uses a MA-M20 "Lupus" beam rifle, which, besides its two beam cannons on the Fatum-00 backpack, is the only ranged beam weapon of the Justice.
The METEOR unit is equipped with additional weapons and grants the Justice use of 120cm beam cannons,93.7cm high-energy beam cannons, MA-X200 beam swords and "Erinaceus" anti-ship missile launchers.
  • MMI-GAU1 "Sagittus" 20mm CIWS
As with most other suits, the Justice features two head-mounted CIWS guns of type MMI-GAU1 "Sagittus" 20mm, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles or close enemy units. These guns, foreshadowing what would later become standard practice, are much smaller in caliber than those of contemporary mobile suits.
  • RQM51 "Bassel" beam boomerangs
For added ranged combat the Justice also carries two RQM51 "Bassel" beam boomerangs, which are usually stored on the shoulders.

System Features

  • Fatum-00/Subflight Lifter
The most unique feature of the Justice is its Fatum-00 backpack, which can be remotely controlled or used as a subflight lifter. The backpack mounts two MA-4B "Fortis" beam cannons, which are mounted over the shoulders when used on HiMAT mode, two M9M9 "Cervus" turret machine guns and lastly four GAU5 "Volucris" machine guns.
  • Meteor Support System
Like the Freedom, the Justice can dock with the powerful METEOR weapon platform, granting it powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
As with the other four Gundam units produced by ZAFT at its time, the Justice is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armoractivated.
  • Operating System
The Justice uses the operating system Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex.
Like its sister unit the Freedom, the Justice is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Aegis.
ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam
Unit Type
Prototype Close Quarters Combat Mobile Suit
Model Number
  • ZGMF-X09A
Developed from
Developed into
First Seen
Last SeenSeptember 26, 71 C.E.
  • Integrated Design Bureau
Known Pilots
General Characteristics
Head Height
  • 18.56 meters
Max Weight
  • 75.4 metric tons
  • Ultracompact Nuclear Fission Reactor
Power Ouput
  • 8826 kW
  • Pilot only, cockpit in chest
    • Fatum-00 backpack/subflight lifter
        • 4 x GAU5 "Volucris" machine gun
        • 2 x M9M9 "Cervus" turret machine gun
        • 2 x MA-4B "Fortis" beam cannon
    • 2 x MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam saber
    • 4 x MMI-GAU1 "Sagittus" 20mm CIWS
    • 2 x RQM51 "Bassel" beam boomerang
Special Equipments and Features
    • Fatum-00 backpack/subflight lifter
Optional Equipments
    • MA-M20 "Lupus" beam rifle
    • Shield

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