Friday, January 18, 2013

Launcher Strike

GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike is a prototype heavy assault mobile suit, it is featured in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Its primary pilot was Kira Yamato before it was passed down to ace pilot Mu La Flaga.



Technology & Combat Characteristics

When equipped with the Launcher Striker the GAT-X105 Strikebecomes a heavy assault mobile suit designed for taking down fortresses and heavily armored targets. Besides the standard armament of the Strike (which include head-mounted CIWSguns, combat knifes, a beam rifle and a shield), the Launcher Striker adds the large hyper impulse cannon, an anti-ship Vulcan gun and a pair of gun launchers mounted on the right shoulder armor to the armament of the suit. These last two weapons serve a more defensive use against enemy mobile suits and missiles.
This Striker pack is comparable to ZAFT's D-Type equipment.


  • "Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
The Igelstellung guns are, for a mobile suit, light armament. "CIWS" stands for Close In Weapon System and indicates how the guns are designed to be fired at targets that are closing in. Ideally, the 75mm Igelstellung is designed to destroy incoming missiles or small lightly-armored vehicles, though it can be used as a defensive weapon against mobile suits; however it has been seen that even at close range the Igelstellung aren't going to do much beyond denting the armor of a ZGMF-1017 GINN.
  • "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in the Strike's hips are a pair of folding "Armor Schneider" combat knives. These knives do not need power from the suit, can be thrown, and are capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of ZAFT mobile suits.
  • "Agni" 320mm Hyper Impulse Beam Cannon
The primary weapon of the Launcher Strike is a powerful arm mounted "Agni" 320mm hyper impulse beam cannon mounted on the back and held by the left arm. At its introduction it was the most powerful mobile suit mounted weapon, capable of blasting a hole through a colony wall.
  • 120mm Anti-ship Vulcan Gun
A multi-barreled 120mm anti-ship Vulcan gun mounted in the right shoulder armor used to defend against missiles and enemy mobile suits.
  • 350mm Gun Launcher
A pair of 350mm gun launchers is mounted into the right shoulder armor used to defend against missiles and enemy mobile suits.

System Features

As with all of the G Project mobile suits, the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike is equipped with phase shift armor. When activated the Launcher Strike's color is changed from a light grey to a white scheme with a bit of blue and red mixed in. Phase Shift armor, when activated, renders the Strike immune to physical attacks such as bullets, the GINN sword, or against missiles. However Phase Shift armor continually drains the battery of energy, shortening the mobile suit's combat endurance. Also the Phase Shift armor draws on even more energy each time it is struck.
GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam
Unit Type
Prototype Heavy Assault Mobile Suit
Model Number
  • GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03
Developed from
Developed into
First Seen
  • January 25, 71 C.E.
Known Pilots
General Characteristics
Head Height
  • 17.72 meters
Max Weight
  • 83.7 metric tons
  • Ultracompact Energy Battery
    • 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
    • 2 x "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
    • "Agni" 320mm Hyper Impulse Beam Cannon
    • 120mm Anti-ship Vulcan Gun
    • 2 x 350mm Gun Launcher
Special Equipments and Features
      • AQM/E-X03 Launcher Striker

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