Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Destiny Gundam

The ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam is the titular mobile suit ofMobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. The unit is piloted byShinn Asuka.



Technology & Combat Characteristics

Destiny was designed to be a multi-purpose MS without the need for exchanging equipment in battle; the unit is capable of handling a variety of combat situations. For close combat, the suit features not only two Beam boomerangs that double as beam sabers, but a large Anti-Ship Sword; it's the preferred weapon-of-choice of Destiny's pilot, Shinn Asuka. In addition, the Palm Beam Cannons are used in close combat. For long-ranged battle, it is equipped with a Long-Range Beam Cannonand an optional Beam Rifle. For defense the Destiny mounts a small physical shield as well as two Beam Shield Generators. Lastly the suit is equipped with a standard set of head mounted CIWS.
Originally developed as a high-performance and versatile machine, the Destiny's design allows for multiple external and internal weaponry. Later in the design process, it was deemed that a standard MS frame would hinder the overall performance of the Destiny in terms of maneuverability and the ability to operate its weapons quickly to be used to maximum effect. One of the innovations of this machine was a mechanism that enables human-like movement. Designers solved the problem by incorporating an armor dividing system similar to that used on the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom. This system works in conjunction with a sliding mechanism for the dividing armor panels. The internal frame is composed of smaller and flexible components which utilize armor panels that can separate into smaller portions to allow the leg units to move through its full range of motion. The joints are constructed of the same materials found in Phase Shift armor. When activated, it is possible to adjust the stiffness of the joints during motion. The reaction also produces a glow when the joints are active [1].
The result is an overall increase in the joint range of motion and flexibility of the arm and leg units. However, this occurs at the cost of vulnerable areas on the exposed sections of the armor. This problem was partially alleviated by mapping out the achievable ranges of motion of the frame using Shinn Asuka's combat performance to determine the most efficient way to separate the armor parts. This gave the Destiny sufficient defense without sacrificing maneuverability and speed. Although the unit met its operational requirements and was accepted, however, various problems remain to be solved, including maintenance problems and complex component construction methods for production [1]. In addition, it features improved versions of the Freedom's back unit large wings which are arranged symmetrically around the main thrusters[2].
The most unique aspect of Destiny is its Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor and its Wings of Light. The Wings of Light is a system that greatly increases Destiny's speed and uses mirage colloid properties to create an illusionary effect on Destiny. When activated, the rear releases its propulsion system, taking the appearance of "Wings of Light". Destiny would create multiple illusionary versions of itself to confuse the enemy as Destiny sets up for a high speed melee attack. The Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactoris Destiny's primary power source, providing the necessary power to support all of it's energy consuming abilities. Because the nuclear reactor made the Deuterion Beam system unnecessary, Destiny can't be easily recharged as Impulse can; although the unit almost never has to be.


  • M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left wing, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon serves as the Destiny's primary long-range weapon. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim. This beam cannon is the mobile suit's most powerful long-range weapon, possessing firepower that is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot.
  • MMI-714 "Arondight" Anti-Ship Sword
Stored on a rack behind the right wing, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" anti-ship sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. It is an improved version of the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is normally used against large targets such as the Earth Alliance's GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam. However, as Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat and arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
  • MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of aZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. Since the "Palma Fiocina" have only been used in close combat throughout the series and in other related appearances, it is unknown whether they are capable of firing over long ranges.
During the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny, Shinn attempted to use the "Palma Fiocina" to parry the beam sabers of Athrun Zala's ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice Gundam. However, due to a possible overload or simply because of the superior power in the beam sabers' concentrated beams, the Destiny's hands exploded.
  • MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that allow the Destiny to defend itself from even the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
  • RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. One is stored on each shoulder, similar to theZGMF-X09A Justice. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they rarely see use in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.

System Features

  • Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. Despite this amazing power source, the Destiny is quick to run out of available power in a fight, with one of its engagements with the Strike Freedom ending in a retreat due to energy depletion. However this would end up being retconned in the Special Edition where the Destiny returned to the Minverva for repairs.
Like the ∞ Justice,Strike Freedom and Legend, the with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow it's nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers.
  • Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29).
  • Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" is the Destiny's most unique design feature. Utilizing a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system in conjunction with Mirage Colloid particles, the Destiny is capable of achieving very high speeds while leaving behind a trail of visible after-images to confuse its enemies. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is utilizing the Wings of Light's massive acceleration in conjunction with the "Arondight" anti-ship sword. With the Wings of Light active, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gelles-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice.
As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images granted by the Wings of Light allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
The Wings of Light were actually reverse engineered from the DSSD's Stargazer's Voiture Lumiere propulsion system, unlike the Strike Freedom, who derived the system directly from the Stargazer.[3]
ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam
Unit Type
General-Purpose Mobile Suit
Model NumberZGMF-X42S
Developed fromZGMF-X56S/θ Destiny Impulse
First Seen74 C.E.
ManufacturerZAFT searchgray_iconsmall.png
OperatorZAFT searchgray_iconsmall.png
Known PilotsShinn Asuka
General Characteristics
Head Height18.08 meters
Max Weight79.44 metric tons
Power-plantHyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
Pilot AccommodationsPilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
ArmorVariable Phase-Shift Armor
  • 1 x M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon
    • 1 x MMI-714 "Arondight" anti-ship sword
    • 2 x MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS searchgray_iconsmall.png
    • 2 x MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannon
    • 2 x MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generator searchgray_iconsmall.png
    • 2 x RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerang
[hide]Special Equipments and Features
[hide]Optional Equipment
  • MA-BAR73/S high-energy beam rifle
    • Shield searchgray_iconsmall.png

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